Many Chemical companies have been trying to solve the GDI Carbon issue for years with little to no luck. Many solutions only get rid of loose carbon deposits but cannot break it down completely.
We reached out to a lab in the United-States that supplies the military with unique carbon solutions. They were willing to work with us to formulate a carbon cleaner that would work for us and our delivery system.
With years of development, we found the perfect balance in the Direct Injection Solutions Carbon Cleaner. 100% Biodegradable, non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-carcinogenic, this cleaner is the only solution on the market that is proven to break down carbon deposits. It cannot harm the technicians, the environment, the engine, or any of the components in the exhaust system because it breaks the carbon down into a water vapour due to the mist delivery system.
Many manufacturers have stated they will not further develop Internal Combustion Engines meaning there are millions of vehicles in service that will need to be maintained.
prolong engine life
keep it running at original operating levels
lower warranty claims
bring in a new line of revenue for dealerships
Increased customer satisfaction levels from a brand perspective
Increased throttle response
Better fuel economy
A return to normal operating horsepower and torque figures
Longer service life of the engine
Questions? Contact us to learn more or book a virtual demo today.
Fill in the form or call to set up a meeting at 1-905-670-8228
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